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北京京贸克莱与您相约CIUAVEXPO2018   分享到:

北京京贸克莱科贸有限公司自1993年开始航模飞机机体的设计及制作,历经多年的经验积累,2012年正式成立北京京贸克莱科贸有限公司,开始无人机验证机的设计、制作;并确定了以新型复合材料、新型加工工艺作为无人机壳体材料,进行大批量生产制作的发展方向;砥砺五年对新型材料及加工工艺的研究,经过上千次实验室实践,在新型复合材料领域取得突破性进展,工艺成熟简单,生产效率高、外观美观、机体强度大、重量轻、在摄氏-40到130℃温度内机体强度没有明显变化. 公司于2017年推出利用全新“高固纤维”材料制作的无人机壳体向无人机市场推广,引领无人机外壳技术革命。


Shuttle Wings Co. Ltd. has been designing and manufacturing the airframe of aircraft model since 1993. The company was formally established in 2012 after the accumulated experience for ages, and started the design and manufacture of the verification machine of drones. The company determined its development direction then, that is, to use new composite materials as the shell material of drones, meanwhile applying new processing technology for mass production.

After five years of continued research on the new composite materials and the new processing technology, going through thousands of laboratory practices, breakthroughs has been made in the field of new composite materials. The process now is mature and simple, with high productivity, attractive in appearance, the aircraft body is of great strength and light weight, with no significant changes in body strength between -40 and 130℃ Celsius.  

The company launched using new "high consistency" as the airframe of drones in 2017, promoted it to the drone market, leading the technological revolution of the airframe of drones.

The company is mainly engaged in the traditional fixed-wings airframe business, including model aircrafts, airframe of drones, manufacture of airframe of drones, glass fiber composites, carbon fiber composites, and high consistency materials, etc.


上一篇:国际无人机应用技术展即将召开,欢迎参观!    下一篇:让无人机飞更远、看更清、做更多!赛博通科


联系人:潘先生                      手 机/微 信:188-0182-3515  

商务QQ:761199479            E-mail : 761199479@qq.com

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