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上海大学携高性能足式机器人亮相CIUAVEXPO   分享到:




Shanghai University is a member university of the national project 211 and is a research-intensive and comprehensive university. The quadruped robot with high dynamic, high adaptability and high load ability are the hot topic and one of the leading direction. It is very significant for promoting development of quadruped robot technology that carrying out the core technology research,such as new bionic mechanism, efficient drive, integrated robot perception and high speed real-time control, and building high-performance quadruped bionic robot systems. The current international mainstream type bionic robot is conditioned by drive technology, generally adopts hydraulic drive and engine power supply, which makes the size bigger and a big operation noise and environmental pollution. Therefore, we adopt motor drive as a source of power to carry out small electric drive type quadruped robot.




上一篇:中航视嘉(北京)技术有限公司    下一篇:北京恒能科技有限公司盛装亮相CIUAVE


联系人:潘先生                      手 机/微 信:188-0182-3515  

商务QQ:761199479            E-mail : 761199479@qq.com

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